Keeper of Lore

Letter 2: An Anecdote From the Demon Plague


My dearest brother,

May the blessings of the Spinner, the Weaver and all of their Children be upon you. I want to tell you about the strangest thing that has happened in all of my years living here in Bearbat. I wish that we were together! How I miss sharing the latest news with you. (You call it gossip. I call it news.) This letter will have to suffice.

My neighbor, Tuft, has been sick with a terrible cough that robs her of all her strength. Her husband says that she caught it from the cold winds of the oncoming winter. I think that the gods Fated her to get sick since she is such a mean old… never mind that.

Anyway, she has been lingering for weeks, but she finally passed on last night. I feel bad for her husband. The poor fellow is heartbroken.

The whole neighborhood came to his house to pray at their shrine and say their goodbyes before Tuft is taken down to the catacombs. But then the strangest thing happened.

Tuft woke up from her death! She lunged at her husband and tore his ear off with her teeth. I said she was a mean old… but she would never attack him like that. Fortunately, some of our raiders were present. I ran out of there with everyone else when they drew their weapons.

I heard later that they stabbed her numerous times to no avail. They finally put her down when they got her mean old head off of her mean old body. They had to burn the corpse to make it stop moving. They are calling her a demon.

You probably think that I am making this all up. But it is true. When next you come to visit me, anyone will tell you the story. It is the talk of the town.

I hope this letter finds you well in Twigstar. How did the tips work out for you? Was Gail interested in buying your artifacts? I miss you so much! Please be careful on your adventures and come home soon!

Ever your loving sister,

