Keeper of Lore


Here you will find everything there is to know about the world of Keeper of Lore. All of the information here is concurrent with the most recent blog posts.

All of the lore pertains to a single large island somewhere on the Worldknot. There are other landmasses of course. But they remain shrouded in mystery. This island is called Linomnount, or Land of the Only Mountain.


Naming Conventions on Linomnount


An Introduction to Magic: 1 - Magic
An Introduction to Magic: 2 - Mages
An Introduction to Magic: 3 - Witches and Wizards
An Introduction to Magic: 4 - Commoners


Introduction to Weaverism

  1. To the Gods Hurry
  2. Threads of Life
  3. The Spinner and the Weaver
  4. Holy Embroidery
  5. The Shrine
  6. Bad Lucks