Keeper of Lore

Letter 5: Sprybull Catacombs Incident Report

Incident Report 1929-04-02

Completed by Senior Guard Fox Oceanpig

I was on duty with Guard Sprig Treebleed in the Sprybull Catacombs. Our post was at the entrance to the catacombs. The incident occurred at sundown, today, April 2nd, 1929. There were several people in the complex. They were doing the usual activities, such as visiting their loved ones, ringing ghost bells and such. We were alerted to the incident by a man that came to us for help.

He told us that his mother and brother were interred today. His family was performing the final rite. He then claimed that his mother and brother came back to life. They were trying to stand up. The man’s sister was happy to see her mother and she tried to hug her. The mother then tore at her throat with her teeth. These reborn people were attacking their family. The man did not know what to do, so he came to us.

I did not believe his story. But Guard Treebleed and I went into the catacomb to check. We soon heard shouting ahead of us. We drew our weapons and rushed forward. The recently dead were on their feet. They were clawing at the other people and gnashing their teeth. A third person rushed at the man as he entered the room. It was his sister. She perished while he was talking to us. But she also came back to life like her mother and brother.

Guard Treebleed and I attacked these demons. He cut at their legs to drop them and I beheaded them. Our skills put an end to the attack in less than one minute. However, the bodies continued to thrash around. The mouths still worked and their eyes lolled about within those severed heads.

I did not know what to do, so I cleared the survivors from the catacomb and locked the door. I left Guard Treebleed there to prevent anyone from entering. I then reported to my superior, Watch Captain Skythistle. She had no immediate solution and ordered the catacomb to remain closed.

We await further orders on how to resolve the situation. The bodies continue to move around, though they should be long dead.
