Keeper of Lore

Letter 6: An Anecdote From the Demon Plague



May the blessings of the Spinner, the Weaver and all of their Children be upon you.

I hope the Children grant you all the good luck that you are due. I can not wait to hear about what you have found in that new catacomb. What sort of artifacts do you sell to Gail? Please let me know. I am very curious.

Things are getting really bad here in Bearbat. I hope Twigstar is not as rough. The dead are coming back to life and killing the villagers. Then the newly deceased are waking up. The demons are killing people to add to their own numbers. The whole thing is getting out of control. Every day is a new struggle. It is like the village is constantly being raided. But these demons only want to kill. 

You would be so proud of me. I helped to put down three demons already. Me! Of all people! I can not take full credit. But I join the others in the streets during the day. I have a heavy wood axe. I smash them with the blunt side and then chop off their heads with the sharp side. It is grim work. Especially because these are my friends and neighbors. 

I suppose that a real friend would not try to murder me. That is just a little joke going around town. It is not really funny…

I am so tired…

Please be safe, brother!

Ever your loving sister,

