Keeper of Lore

Letter 7. An Anecdote From the Demon Plague



May the blessings of the Spinner, the Weaver and all of their Children be upon you.

I am worried about you. Why haven’t you written me back? I hope that you are safe.

This plague of demons has made life unbearable. All commerce has stopped. Nobody has time to grow anything, or make anything, or ship anything. We are running out of food here in Bearbat. All that anyone can do is defend themselves. Neighbors are dying everyday. But then they reawaken and turn into enemies. The number of survivors is dwindling.

I was still fighting until three days ago. I was in an alley with a woman that I did not know. Suddenly, demons entered the alley from both sides. We were trapped. They rushed at us and we fought back to back. I felt like a hero from a story at first. We killed a few of them. But there were just too many. The woman knew some witch spells. She told me to climb the wall and hop over while she did her magic.

I climbed to the top of the wall overlooking the back fields where we used to play as kids. She cast a spell and the whole alley filled with smoke. Then there was a terrifying pulse of energy that knocked me down into the field. I landed on my arm and broke it. I got to my feet to go find the woman and help her. But the alley was only filled with liquified remains. She sacrificed herself for me. I don’t even know her name.

My fighting days are over. I now spend my time in Turtlespike Tavern. I am boiling bandages so that they can be reused.

I am praying that you are well. Please write back to me! I am so worried about you!

Your fretful sister,

