Keeper of Lore

Letter 8: The Widespread Demon Plague


To the Hordes of Icebrunt,

May the blessings of the Spinner, the Weaver and all of their Children be upon you.

My name is Pond Brownstump. I rule Brownstump village. Like many of you, I have brought my horde into existence through sheer force of will. Like many of you, I have walked with Fate and found success, despite many hardships. As we all know, we have usually brought these hardships upon ourselves through raids. This is our way, I will not begrudge you or this tradition right now.

My village is currently plagued with demons. Our dead awaken and assault the living, often killing them. These victims wake from their murders and join the growing army of killers.

I have met with neighboring village leaders to discuss the plague. You know the situation is dire when horde leaders meet to talk. We have no solution. I have heard from travelers and caravans that this plague of demons has spread all over Icebrunt.

I am now reaching out in desperation. Does anybody have any information? How did the demon plague begin? How do we bring it to a swift conclusion? Please write to me and to the other hordes.

At this point, I truly fear that the demon plague will bring about the end of all People.

Again, I beg of you… if anybody knows how to stop this, spread the word. Help your neighbors. Put our petty raiding aside for now. We must end the plague. I can not send this message to all of the caravans. If you see one, please give them a copy.

I look forward to receiving your replies.

Pond Brownstump
