Keeper of Lore

Letter 9: An Anecdote From the Demon Plague


Petal Ravensbee,  

My name is Wave Antscar. I live in Twigstar. I am writing to you with terrible news. Your brother has died. 

I found him in the catacombs. He had died at some point and then awoke as a demon. You can rest easy knowing that he did not attack anyone. It appears that he was unable to find a way out of there. He had a large wound on his leg. I do not know how he got it, but it must have been the thing that killed him. 

We ended his suffering and he is no more. As you probably know by now, we have to burn the demons that we slay. Unfortunately, I could not secure his remains for you. He was in one of our daily mass cremations. His remains were respectfully buried with the others in a shared grave. His name was added to a marker there. I hope this is enough to bring you peace. 

I did not know Wood Ravensbee personally. We searched his body and found your letters. That is how we identified him and knew to write to you. I have included those letters with this one. I am holding onto his other personal items in case you want to come here to claim them. I do not know where he was living in Twigstar, so I am unable to secure his residence. I’ll leave that up to you. 

I am sorry for your loss and hope that you are surviving the Demon Plague. 

Wave Antscar
