Keeper of Lore

Name Generator

See Naming Conventions on Linomnount for information about how names work. You can roll 2d100 three times and combine those words into a person’s name. (That is two 100 sided dice three times or four 10 sided dice. You can also just use a random number generator. Heck, you can also just look through the list and make your own combination.) This list is not exhaustive. It is just a useful tool.

Die Roll Name Die Roll Name
2 Almond 102 Mite
3 Apple 103 Moon
4 Bark 104 Moss
5 Barrel 105 Moth
6 Barrow 106 Mountain
7 Bay 107 Mouse
8 Beak 108 Mud
9 Bean 109 Neck
10 Bee 110 Needle
11 Beetle 111 Oak
12 Berry 112 Ocean
13 Birch 113 Olive
14 Bird 114 Opal
15 Bite 115 Otter
16 Blood 116 Peak
17 Blossom 117 Pear
18 Blue 118 Pearl
19 Boar 119 Pebble
20 Bolt 120 Petal
21 Bone 121 Pig
22 Branch 122 Pine
23 Brew 123 Pinion
24 Bright 124 Plume
25 Brine 125 Pond
26 Brittle 126 Prickle
27 Brown 127 Puddle
28 Brunt 128 Quick
29 Bug 129 Rabbit
30 Burn 130 Rain
31 Burr 131 Ramble
32 Burrow 132 Raven
33 Burst 133 Ray
34 Butter 134 Rend
35 Cage 135 Ridge
36 Cat 136 Rill
37 Cinder 137 River
38 Clay 138 Rock
39 Cliff 139 Root
40 Cloud 140 Rose
41 Cobble 141 Ruby
42 Copper 142 Sapphire
43 Cove 143 Scar
44 Crab 144 Seed
45 Craft 145 Shell
46 Creek 146 Silver
47 Crick 147 Skink
48 Crow 148 Skull
49 Dapple 149 Skunk
50 Dark 150 Sky
51 Dell 151 Slate
52 Dew 152 Sleet
53 Dog 153 Sliver
54 Dove 154 Slow
55 Drake 155 Snake
56 Dream 156 Snow
57 Eye 157 Soil
58 Fang 158 South
59 Fern 159 Spark
60 Flint 160 Spider
61 Flower 161 Spire
62 Fly 162 Sprig
63 Fog 163 Sprout
64 Ford 164 Squall
65 Fox 165 Squirrel
66 Fur 166 Star
67 Gail 167 Stem
68 Gem 168 Stoat
69 Glade 169 Stone
70 Glimmer 170 Storm
71 Gold 171 Stream
72 Goose 172 Stump
73 Gourd 173 Sun
74 Grain 174 Tail
75 Grass 175 Thistle
76 Green 176 Thorn
77 Gristle 177 Thunder
78 Grove 178 Tick
79 Grub 179 Timber
80 Gulch 180 Tine
81 Gully 181 Toe
82 Gust 182 Tongue
83 Haft 183 Tooth
84 Hawk 184 Torn
85 Hay 185 Tree
86 Hide 186 Trunk
87 Hill 187 Tuber
88 Hornet 188 Tulip
89 Ice 189 Turf
90 Isle 190 Turtle
91 Killer 191 Twig
92 Knee 192 Twilight
93 Knot 193 Water
94 Knuckle 194 Weather
95 Lark 195 Wind
96 Lion 196 Wine
97 March 197 Wing
98 Meat 198 Wolf
99 Melon 199 Wood
100 Metal 200 Wren
101 Mist