Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 5, Part 2

“They discovered the 
Realm of Terrors, just
beyond the Confines.”

“This Realm of awful
monstrosities can
reach into our world.”

“People call them the
Bad Lucks, but they are
so much worse than that.”

“They are Terrors, these
Darkling Fomenters
are the vilest foes.”

“You know Bad Lucks cause
misfortune when their
attention is caught.”

“Improper actions
attract to you the
Bad Lucks’ attention.”

“These beings can reach
the Living World, but
Confines divide Realms.”

“Their touch here is like
grasping an object 
through a thick blanket.”

“You manipulate 
the object
without touching it.”

“The blanket is the 
Confines: keeping the
Realms separated.”

“Centuries ago
the Elder People
sought lore of the Realms.”

“They rent the Confines
to see a close Realm,
the Realm of Terrors.”

“They soon learned their plight
as Terrors escaped
to the Living World.”

“Darkling Fomenters
had never cared to
bother the People.”

“Confines restrained them
and so they never
paid us any heed.”

“With direct access,
they eagerly came
sowing fear and death.”

“The Elder People 
were brought right to the 
brink of extinction.”

“This Apocalypse 
brought them low and their
Span of Might ended.”

“The Span of Ruin 
began and we still
live in it today.”

“They would waste armies
to fight few Darklings,
for they are hidden.”

“We can not see them
in the Living World.
They’re invisible.”

“Darklings glide between 
the vertices of 
perception, ‘tis said.”

“We do not know what
that means, other than 
they’re a deadly foe.”

“Perhaps a wizard 
can further explain
what this phrase does mean.”

Tong said that he knows a man,
a wizard in Twigstar,
that may have information
on knives and clues bizarre.

Talk to this fellow scholar
go there now for more aid. 
His name is Unbe Magister.
He is trusty and quite staid. 

I must ask, before you go,
for one small favor.
Might I keep this tablet whose
study I would savor?

Vilerend and Billet agreed.
It should not travel far.
Tong made them a stone rubbing
to carry to Twigstar.
