Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 6, Part 1

A new quest begun, thus they
were leaving Shatterbone:
the crafty Vilerend Skymarch
and stout Billet Stormstone.

Their path led south, passing the
hills named Catfeather Heights,
accosted by desperate
bandits looking for fights.

The villains were defeated.
They were slain on the road.
Vilerend was wounded and his
pace was forever slowed.

They chased the Halfdead River
against the current’s flow.
Looking for Coalglen village,
the first stop they did know.

They saw the next gang of hills
on their southerly jaunt.
‘Twas the Greentail hills which house
the Halfdead River’s fount.

They did not travel that far,
the river was still hale,
for they’d found Coalglen village
nestled in a large dale.

They rested there in Coalglen
and then crossed the river.
They traversed the plain beneath
the hills named Barleyburr.

Before them flowed a river
whose name they did not know:
the Frostvein River bore a
bridge above the cold floe.

This second river now crossed,
Twigstar’s walls they could glean.
‘Twas the largest town by far
that they had so far seen.

After entering the town
their first task was now done.
The giant statue towered
reflecting the low sun.
