Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 6, Part 2

The narrow streets of Twigstar
were like open air halls.
Its buildings were packed tightly
within the tall, stone walls.

Vilerend and Billet wandered
through streets labyrinthine.
They stumbled through dark alleys
and plazas growing green.

Always they kept the giant
within their line of sight.
Eventually they found him
at the onset of night.

A metal titan towered
in a large market square.
It stood upon a dais
and glowering it stared.

The giant wore flowing robes
contained with a tabard
over which it wore a sash
with strange words it was marred.

The Learned Giant stood still,
reflecting twilight stars.
Billet and Vilerend thwarted,
their path blocked by iron bars.

The iron fence was not too tall.
It could be scaled with ease.
They decided to wait for
the market to empty.

Once all the people were gone
they climbed over the rail
and laid their hands on metal
that’s crucial to prevail.

With hammer and a chisel
and a quick look around,
the wanderers set to work
but made a quite loud sound.

A man in robes approached them
dressed much like the Giant.
They quit their theft, begging for
him to be compliant.
