Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 6, Part 3

“It is unheard of
to harvest metal
of Learned Giant.”

“What need do you have
for this rare metal?”
he calmly inquired.

Billet and Vilerend told of
the threat of demon plague.
Along with Tong they conceived
a plan as yet still vague.

They told of the strange item
that they must try to craft.
The Hammer of Souls requires
ingredients most daft.

The man said, “I know
of Tong Shatterbone.
We go back quite far.”

“I am a Learned
Scholar of Icebrunt.
My name is Unbe.”

“This must be my Fate
to find you two here

“I felt the need to
leave my house and walk,”
Unbe continued.

“I do not go out
for evening walks.
It is rare indeed.”

“But tonight I felt
compelled to leave home
for why, I knew not.”

“You say you must find
information on
Darkling Fomenters.”

“Tong was right to send
you to find me here
in Twigstar,” he said.

“I have the knowledge
that you require, since
I study these things.”

“Prior to the last
Apocalypse that
slew the Span of Might,”

“the Elder People
breached the wall between
the Realms: the Confines.”

“Darkling Fomenters
flooded our world from
the Realm of Terrors.”

“They cannot be seen,
but they are in truth
not invisible.”

“Darklings glide between
the Vertices of
Perception,” he said.

“We cannot see them.
People are lacking
the ability.”

“I have devised the
means to see Darklings:
‘tis Oil of Hellsight.”

“Annoint your brows and
the unseen will be
revealed to you both.”

“Darklings can be slain
like all beings: blood
loss, organ failure.”

“However, Darklings
are massive beings.
Causing wounds is tough.”

“We do not have an
army to throw at
a Darkling,” he said.

“I fear that we will
need a dragon to
fight this foe for us.”
