Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 6, Part 4

Vilerend and Billet said that
they happen to know one.
They recently met her in
the village Shatterbone.

Unbe asked, “Is her
name Keeper of Lore?
Tong’s friend? The dragon?”

“You can count on her
for anything, she
is a loyal friend.”

"However, sadly,
she will not aid us.
She is no fighter.”

“Though she’s a dragon,
she still has her ways,
as a pacifist.”

Unbe thought, “I may
know of a dragon,
though he his hidden.”

“I will meet with him
to determine if
he can help us here.”

“I will also bring
Oil of Hellsight when
I return to you.”

“I know that we can
lure a Darkling here
to the Living World.”

“But I know not how.
I only have the
answer as riddle,”

“You must activate
the Learned Giant’s
heart to achieve this.”

“You must discover
the meaning of that
phrase while I am gone.”

Unbe left the market square
to begin his next task.
Billet and Vilerend prepared
to see to Unbe’s ask.
