Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 7, Part 1

Vilerend Skymarch stood with his
good friend, Billet Stormstone,
at Twigstar’s Learned Giant
how to enter: unknown. 

Unbe Magister tasked them
to find the Giant’s heart. 
It must be inside somewhere
but where to even start?

They recognized the writing
upon the Giant’s sash. 
It matched the rubbing of the
tablet within their cache. 

They read aloud the strange words
whose meaning they knew not. 
A hidden door was revealed
and this was what they sought.  

Climbing stairs within the leg
took them into the chest. 
They found a brass sculpture of 
a heart, or so they guessed. 

Imbedded in the ceiling
was a long, brass lever,
the object that will summon
a Darkling Fomenter. 

The ladder led into the
Learned Giant’s large head. 
From his eyes they looked on
sprawling Twigstar’s vast spread. 

Billet and Vilerend left then
to find sleep for the night. 
A nearby inn had room,
just floor space near fire bright. 

Upon the morrow they woke
and met Unbe outside. 
He had some good news for them
his beaming smile implied. 
