Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 7, Part 3

They spoke then of finding the
heart within the Giant. 
When to do this thing? as guards
will not be compliant. 

They’ll fight the Darkling here in
this Twigstar market square.
Battle will begin at night
so people will not scare. 

As the evening hours approached 
so did Marshall of Beasts. 
He greeted the heroes as
they ate their breakfast feast. 

He was clad as a human
in fine wrought gold hauberk.
He would undress before he
got to his violent work. 

Vilerend, Billet and Marshal 
made plans for the combat.
On battle tactics, gear and
Darklings focused their chat. 

The heroes went to the heart
and threw the brass lever. 
The Giant's chest opened wide,
set was this endeavor. 

A ray of purple light burst
from the sculpted brass heart. 
Motes of green and yellow float 
‘neath the ray, yet apart. 

The beam ended above the 
market square below. 
A hole torn in the air showed
a vile, sickly rainbow. 

Mere moments it was open, 
yet they were terrified. 
Horrid waves of fear felled them
yet no foe could be spied. 

Billet and Vilerend defied
this brutal terror near. 
They took Rings of Stout Heart and
set them upon fingers. 
