Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 7, Part 4

Fear fell away from them like
ocean waves at low tide. 
They anointed their brows with 
Unbe’s Oil of Hellsight. 

Standing before the Giant 
they saw a sight bizarre. 
A forty foot tall man clad
in black leather armor. 

This man’s visage was unlike
any before beheld. 
Beauty beyond compare so
intense they were repelled. 

Wings of black smoke rooted on
shoulder blades cut the air,
rippling gentle gusts thither
throughout the market square. 

A dazzling tongue of black flame
upon his brow burned bright.
It’s light set shadows wrongly,
a fire darker than night. 

His hand held a long, straight knife,
the blade seemed clad in soot. 
It was longer than a lance, 
too large to wield on foot.

Marshal of Beasts erupted
from shadows whence he hid. 
He stood now as a dragon
his illusion undid. 

The Darkling saw his three foes
and the city beyond. 
He spoke with a voice like mist
caressing moonlit pond.
