Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 7, Part 5

I am Kyrndizenodd. 
Terror leaches from my footsteps 
and sours the land. 
My shadow fallows fields 
and my whisper shrouds the sun in gloom. 
The tears of dying infants are
the sweetest of draughts 
with which I fill my goblet. 
Now who stands before me? 
Some wee trifles and what’s this? 
A dragon? 
I will gladly claim your souls, tiny folk. 
But a dragon. 
Yes, the Lord of Terror 
will reward me handsomely 
for your soul.

Vilerend and Billet climbed up
into the Giant’s head. 
They fired at the Terror, weak
arrows, he would not bled. 

Kyrndizenodd distracted
by annoying arrows,
Marshal struck his foe with bite
and claw; vicious, fierce blows. 

Darkling retaliated 
and pierced the dragon’s breast. 
Marshal tore his throat out and
claws pierced deep into chest. 

Kyrndizenodd collapsed then
bleeding from mortal wounds. 
Marshal of Beasts fell as well
beneath the rising moon. 

Marshal resumed his man form,
dragon shape now hidden,
called Vilerend and Billet who
did as they were bidden. 

They clasped Marshal’s hands as he
lay dying near his foe. 
Kyrndizenodd was quite dead
slain by Marshal’s last blow. 
