Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 7, Part 6

“I will soon be dead.
The Darkling was fierce.
My plan was foolish.”

“You need the mettle 
of a dear friend for
the Hammer of Souls.”

“I give you my soul.
Pierce me with the knife,
my soul shall feed it.”

“Worry not for me!
Dragons are special.
My soul shall survive.”

“Souls that are fed to
the Lord of Terror
are lost to his maw.”

“Thus consumed, they are
utterly undone.
There is no rebirth.”

“There is no hope of
After World or the
Heaven’s Tapestry.”

“My dragon soul does
exist in all Realms
at all times,” he said

“Though I lose access
to the Living World,
my soul will live on.”

“Alas, I shall not 
face the dragon as
humans are granted.”
