Keeper of Lore

The Demon Plague Verses Chapter 7, Part 7

Marshal of Beasts laughed then at 
his final spoken words. 
They lifted the knife that was 
longer than human swords.

They pierced his body gently
the knife drank in his soul. 
Marshal of Beasts gladly paid
this final, greatest toll. 

Billet and Vilerend carried
Marshal of Beasts to the
good people he traveled with
in his menagerie. 

They returned to the site where
Kyrndizenodd was killed. 
It would soon be morning and
the market would be filled. 

The sun crested the hazy
horizon far away.
A warm rain joined the heroes
on this sad, newborn day. 

The Darkling’s body burdened
the filling market square. 
No one could see the Terror
yet they still felt despair. 

The fear effect was alive
though its maker was not. 
Sun pierced rain washed the Darkling
his corpse began to rot. 

People witnessed ghastly smoke
before the Learned Giant. 
Overcome by fear and sick
they fell down suppliant. 

The rot brought nausea took
hold of everyone near. 
One man collapsed in the street 
his heart failed, killed by fear. 

Soon his body woke back up,
reanimated by 
Fern Quickstream’s vile Demon Plague
his body death defied. 

Billet and Vilerend slew him
with the Darkling’s black knife. 
They claimed his soul and burned his
corpse to end his sad strife. 

They had what was needed to 
forge the Hammer of Souls. 
To Shatterbone they must go
to seize this final goal. 
