Keeper of Lore

Today is Frozen in Time

Today is 1932-03-01 on Linomnount. Tomorrow will be March 1st as well. Yesterday was also March 1st.

Time is frozen on this date.

Everything that I have written takes place prior to this date. This world came into being as a campaign setting for a tabletop role playing game. The player characters lived their lives and time progressed in the world.

At the game table, the tale of those characters has ended. The players have new characters and they are also adventuring on Linomnount. Time has progressed for these characters past 1932-03-01. I will not write about them here.

My writings are akin to a store bought setting for any TTRPG. You crack open the book and find a history of the world inside. That history ends at the present. The game master and players will move time forward in the world. The author’s work of defining the past and present is complete. The GM and players now define the present and determine the future.

My world is the same way. My task of writing the future (for public consumption) has ended. I will continue to write the past and flesh out the present.

This has become a necessary detail in relation to “non-fiction” texts that I have been working on. For example, I posted a poem entitled History of the Hordes of Icebrunt. When does this poem take place? The deeds recorded in this text began in 1741. Knowing that the present day is 1932 gives context to where that poem fits into time.

Every story must come to an end. But time will continue indefinitely, even if there are no living people to witness it. Placing an end date where the present day exists allows me to never have to worry about how far to go. This blog is like an encyclopedia published in 1932.

The past has plenty of tales for you and me to discover. The present is not nearly completely detailed. There are many more writings to come.